How to Reduce Stress WITHOUT Drinking Less, Eating Better, Sleeping More, or Exercising

‘Tis the season of stress and we’re all feeling it.

We’re often told that in order to reduce stress, we need to consume less alcohol, eat healthier foods, sleep at least 8 hours per night, and exercise regularly. While these are excellent ideas, they’re difficult habits to form in the best of times – attempting them now is almost guaranteed to fail, which will only add guilt and shame to your stress cocktail. 

For this reason, I’m going to share some instant gratification stress reducing techniques you can use to reduce your stress right away (within 24 hours).

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How to Work from Home Without Killing Your Spouse (Who is also Working from Home)

The global COVID-19 pandemic has changed a lot. We’ve all had to adapt in different ways. For many of us, our work lives have seen the biggest transformation. If you are lucky enough to still be employed, you might be dealing with an entirely new challenge:working from home with your spouse.

My husband and I have been sharing our home workspace for over a year. It was a huge adjustment at first, but we finally figured out how to do it. Here are some tips that can make working from home together much more comfortable, whether your arrangement is temporary or permanent.

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